
Using Umami tracking functions and directive.



Track page views.

Route changes are tracked automatically if autoTrack is enabled. If you're tracking manually, call the function onMounted;

type umTrackView = (
  url?: string | undefined, // optional
  referrer?: string | undefined // optional
) => Promise<{ ok: boolean }>;


  • url: the tracked path. Example: /about, /contact?by=phone#office. Optional, defaults to router.fullPath.
  • referrer: the page referrer. Optional, defaults to document.referrer or the ref in searchParams (eg:


Track custom events.

type DataValue = string | number | boolean;

type umTrackEvent = (
  name: string, // required
  data?: Record<string, DataValue> // optional
) => Promise<{ ok: boolean }>;


  • name: the event name. Required.
  • data: the event data should be a {key: value} object, where key is a string and value is a string, number, or boolean.


Tracks a session with dynamic data.

type DataValue = string | number | boolean;

type umTrackEvent = (
  data?: Record<string, DataValue> // optional
) => Promise<{ ok: boolean }>;


  • data: session data should be a {key: value} object, where key is a string and value is a string, number, or boolean.

Return Value

All tracking functions return Promise<{ok: boolean}>.

The functions do not throw errors, use the ok status to check whether the request ran successfuly.
(During dev or if logErrors is set, errors are logged to the console.)

umTrackEvent().then(({ ok }) => console.log(ok));
// ...or
umTrackView().then(res => console.log(res.ok));


You can use umTrackEvent as a directive, v-umami. Add useDirective: true to your config.

v-umami requires a string as the event name, or an object containing a name property. Every other property will be passed on as event data.

<button v-umami="'Event-Name'">
  Event Button

<button v-umami="{name: 'Event-Name'}">
  as object

<button v-umami="{name: 'Event-Name', prop: 'value', ...others}">
  with event details